Nutrition Counselling

Every pet is unique. Get customized nutritional advice to keep your furry friend thriving.

Little Creek Veterinary Clinic is excited to introduce specialized Nutrition Consultation services, under the guidance of Dr. Marwa Mady, who has recently obtained certification in Basic Nutrition and Therapeutic Nutrition. This service is designed to cater to a range of dietary needs for pets, including diet-based health issue management, weight management, and ensuring a balanced diet. Clients interested in these services are advised to first visit the Little Creek Veterinary Clinic’s website to complete their pet’s history forms. Upon submission of these forms, the clinic will then contact clients to arrange a personalized appointment. This initiative reflects the clinic’s dedication to working closely with pet owners to promote the health and wellbeing of their pets, and we welcome any inquiries about the new Nutrition Consultation services. Call us at 403-452-2060 for more details.

What is the best food for dogs and cats?

Your safest options will always be pet food specifically manufactured for your pet. There are even formulations that work best for puppies, kittens, adult pets and those in their senior years. Supplements are also available for improved outcomes. Homemade or raw foods can also be safely consumed, but it is best to consult with a veterinarian to ensure your pet is getting a balanced diet. We would be happy to book an appointment with our nutrition-focused veterinarian, Dr. Marwa Mady. Some foods like garlic and chocolate are toxic for both feline and canine patients, so it is important to always keep an eye on what your pet eats. There are also certain plants that are poisonous for pets.

What happens during nutritional counselling for pets?

Our team will provide you with advice on the best diet for your pet. We can give recommendations on specific formulations, brands, serving sizes and feeding styles. These feeding guidelines are of the most importance as patients – even among the same breed – can have drastically different food requirements. A general wellness exam is usually conducted prior to the nutritional counselling to assess your pet’s current health status.

How can nutritional counselling help my pet?

If your pet is overweight or underweight, nutritional counselling will help them get to a healthier range and will help in diagnosing underlying causes of their size (weight gain or weight loss can be more than the result of too many treats). Counselling can also help extend and improve your pet’s life as those who undergo it are less likely to develop diabetes, obesity and other health issues. It can also help you avoid the common mistakes made by pet parents (e.g. overfeeding, too much “human” foods).


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